Rotary Mode

Rotaries are used to turn cylindrical objects so that their surfaces can be marked by a laser. In order to use your laser with a rotary, you must first establish several important parameters in the Rotary Setup window that control the rotary's motion.

To open Rotary Setup, go to Laser ToolsRotary Setup (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+R), or click the rotary icon in the Modes Toolbar.

For more information on setting up and using a rotary with your type of laser, see:

You can enable or disable Rotary Mode by toggling the Enable Rotary switch in the Rotary Setup window, or, if Show rotary enable in main window is enabled in your Settings/Preferences, by toggling the switch in the Laser Window.

When Rotary Mode is enabled, you'll see a status indication in the bottom right corner of your screen:

Rotary Mode Enabled

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