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Ports and Laser Settings

The Ports and Laser Settings tab of Device Settings allows you to configure your laser's Input and Output (IO) ports and laser source.

The Ports and Laser Settings tab of Device Settings

IO Ports

This section controls external switches or features attached to the laser's control board.

Low vs High

Most boards use a High signal to indicate that a port is active, but some instead use a Low signal as the trigger. If most or all of your ports are green by default, you'll probably need to change the trigger type to Low using the button next to the port selection.

The numbered boxes at the top show the current state of each port. Red indicates that the port is currently Low (off), while green indicates that the port is currently High (on).

Use the dropdowns to select a port to assign to a feature, and use the High/Low button to set the trigger type. If the port is set to None, the feature is disabled or unavailable.

Setting Description
Ready Light Select the appropriate port to enable on/off control of LEDs mounted on the galvo head to illuminate your work.
Busy Light If you have a light hooked up to indicate the laser is in use, select the appropriate port to allow LightBurn to enable it when the laser is in use.
Red Dot If you are using an external switch to enable the red dot laser, select the appropriate port.
Red Dot Always On Enable this setting to force the red dot laser to be always on.
Enable Blanking If enabled, attempts to turn off the red dot laser between drawing shapes. Not supported on all devices. Disable if your laser will not frame when you select Contour Framing.
Start Framing Select the appropriate port to enable an external switch to start framing.
Start Marking Select the appropriate port to enable an external switch – typically a foot switch – to start an engraving job. If not using a foot switch, it's best to set this to None to prevent accidental firing as a result of static or electrical noise.
Require 'Full Pulse' to Start Enable this toggle to require the external switch to activate and be released before starting a job.
Stop Marking Select the appropriate port to use an external switch to stop running an engraving job.
Done Marking Select the appropriate port to send a signal when an engraving job is complete.
Door Protect Select the appropriate port to look for a signal from an enclosure's safety interlock to prevent unprotected laser firing.

Laser Source Configuration


Laser Source settings should be imported from EZCAD or copied very carefully if entering manually. Incorrect settings may damage your laser.

Setting Description
Laser Type The source for the Galvo laser. Currently CO2, Fiber, UV, or SPI.
Fiber Type For Fiber lasers, the specific manufacturer or type of Fiber laser. Certain options enable additional settings.
Enable Q-Pulse Width Setting MOPA Fiber lasers only. Allows fine adjustment of the laser's pulse timing in Cut Settings. Smaller timing values increase the density of the pulse's impact.
MO Enabled ONLY When Running MOPA fiber lasers only.
Open MO Delay MOPA fiber lasers only. Allows fine control of the laser's frequency.
Enable PWM Always enabled for Fiber and SPI lasers. Toggle on or off for CO2 Galvo lasers, to enable or disable PWM. When enabled, adjust the valid range of minimum and maximum frequencies in the boxes below.
Enable Tickle For CO2 Galvo lasers only. CO2 lasers require constant low power to fire consistently at low powers. Enable Tickle to provide this constant low power. Appropriate settings for Tickle Pulse and Frequency should be provided by your manufacturer.
Enable First Pulse Killer (FPK) For CO2 Galvo lasers only. CO2 lasers require a higher power draw when initially turned on. FPK settings allow you to tune that initial pulse. Check with your manufacturer for settings, but this can be found through trial and error if needed.
UV Min/Max Pulse For UV Galvo lasers only. Minimum and maximum Q-pulse values to use.
SPI Simmer Current For SPI lasers only.


  • If you aren't seeing a setting you expected to see, check which tab you're in and make sure it's applicable to your laser.

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