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Circular Array

Quick Reference: Circular Array

  • Circular Array

    Creates copies of objects in a circular pattern.

Circular Array arranges multiple copies of an object — or multiple objects — in a radial pattern around either a point in space, or a central object.

Use the Circular Array Tool to:

  • Create organic radial patterns such as mandalas and flowers by duplicating simple shapes
  • Create even spacing around a circle, such as numerals and markings on a clock face
  • Make geometric radiating designs such as starburts or cogs
  • Create decorative round frames or borders
  • Distribute mounting holes in a circular formation

Circular Array Settings

To open the Circular Array window, select all objects you'd like to duplicate, then go to ArrangeCircular Array, or click the Circular Array button in the Modifiers Toolbar.

array window

Click any option in the image below to jump directly to the relevant section for that option, or scroll down for a list of options and descriptions.


Enter the number of items you wish to appear in the final array into the Copies field.

Center of Rotation

There are two ways to set the center of rotation for your array:

  • Enter the x and y coordinates of a spot in your Workspace into the Center fields.
  • Turn on Use last selected object position as center to array the copies around the center of the last object you added to your selection.

rotating around 0,0 and a center circle

Start and End

An array doesn't have to span the whole 360-degree rotation, you can limit the duplications to only part of the circle using the Start and End fields.

step, start and end


You can specify the angle between the copies in the Step field. This value is mathematically tied to the End and Copies fields.

Rotate Object Copies

Enable Rotate object copies to turn copies so that the same part of each duplicate faces the center, like the tickmarks on a stopwatch. Disable it to keep the copies in their original rotation, like the numerals of a clock that remain upright for readability.

demo creating clock

Auto-Increment Variable Text

Auto-Increment variable text works in conjunction with Variable Text, increasing the Offset value in the Text Options Toolbar value by the specified amount for each copy. Using Offsets allows you to use the same formatting expression to output different data.

Group Results

Enable Group Results to have the output automatically Grouped upon completion of the array.

Select Results

Enable Select Results to have output automatically selected upon completion of the array.

OK and Cancel

Press OK to confirm your settings and create the array, or Cancel to discard settings and not create the array.

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